How To Avoid The Dreaded No-Shows At Your Next Event
No-shows happen to both free and paid events, although you can't eliminate them 100% you can reduce them. Here are 5 steps you can take to keep all your seats filled and all your tickets and RSVPs used.
5 Tips to Effectively Manage Time and Resources When Planning an Event
Planning an event is not easy, but it's not rocket science either. As long as you can manage your time and resources effectively, you'll always plan exceptional and memorable events everyone loves.
The Top 3 Reasons People DON’T Attend Your Event
Many event planners focus on why people would attend their event, but it is also important to consider why people DON'T want to attend your event. This allows you to address those issues and easily increase your attendance to reach and surpass your objectives.
6 Tips to Boost Attendance Without Breaking the Budget
Events present amazing opportunities for everyone involved, but it is event planners job to fill the seats with attendees to make it a huge success. Here are 6 budget savvy tips to help you increase attendance to fill the venue.
4 Steps to Create Your First Event Budget Like a Pro
Follow these 4 practical steps to create your first event budget without any hassle to deliver memorable events to your happy clients on budget. All successful event planners know how important it is to create and follow a budget, and now you will know how too.
Events in Crisis: You Need a Plan
What happens when a catastrophic happening, manmade or via nature, strikes your event? And how do you plan to handle it? Follow these guidelines to create a simple yet effective crisis plan to make sure your planning and client's money does not go to waste.
6 Last Minute Forget-Me-Nots for Event Planners
A quick list of important, yet commonly forgotten items by event planners. These items will come in handy to save your event, so make sure you have it with you at your venue. You don't want small things ruin your entire event.
The Beginner’s Guide to Planning a Fundraising Event
If you don't know where to start planning a fundraising event, this short guide for beginners will give you solid foundation to start with. Take these tips and build upon them, don't limit yourself but explore all possibilities to maximize your success.
The Beginner’s Guide to Planning a Trade Show
Plan your trade show with the goal of making it a lasting memory for attendees. The beginner's guide will give you 15 practical tips to help you plan a successful trade show event on budget and profitable, not just hitting the bottom line.
The Job of the Speaker is More Than Being a School Teacher
We perceive speakers as teachers. But what if we perceived them as storytellers that rivet us? That's the type of speaker you need to be if you want to be a successful public speaker.